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Hidden Changes

I think one of the things I hear most often when I am working with a new client is: “How long until I SEE changes?”

That’s just the thing with health and fitness - we want to SEE some kind of fruits of our labors very early on in our journey but the truth is, anything that is going to go the distance, is going to take some time to visibly see on the outside.

We make changes to our diet, to our supplementation and our exercise and it’s tough. It takes work and discipline and it sure would be nice to see some results in the first week or two. Maybe have our jeans fit better or fewer pounds on the scale. More often than not, that doesn’t happen…for awhile. The key is to hang in there long enough to see those results.

Consistency and patience are necessary when trying to make changes to your body - especially changes that you want to last. A quick fix will never stand the test of time which will lead to discouragement and frustration. But it’s a tempting route to take because we often see results much fast. On the flip side, we also see the opposite result (rebound weight gain) happen very quickly too.

When we make changes - large or small - to our lifestyle, the results happen internally first. As soon as we make a positive (or negative, for that matter) change, our body will begin the changing process. But it IS a process and like most processes, it takes time. Sometimes it can take several weeks to see progress on the outside, even when you are diligently and meticulously following your new plan. This is where many people get frustrated and throw in the towel or resort to extreme measures to get results quicker.

Let me assure you, if you can hang in there and be consistent with your plan - don’t change it after a week because you didn’t lose any weight - you will be so pleased with the results. When we build our healthy lifestyle on a solid foundation it is much more likely to last. By giving yourself the time your body needs to change slowly and steadily, you will enjoy the changes for the long term. Which is really the point.

So how do you cope with “hidden changes?” Well, set your expectations realistically when you’re starting out. Commit to being in this for the long haul and remind yourself often that each positive choice you make towards your new healthy changes, is going to pay off in time. Be consistent even in times when you’re discouraged and not seeing progress. Remind yourself that this is normal and our bodies don’t change overnight. Also, the older we get, the longer it takes to see results. I often tell my clients to expect 4-6 weeks before seeing noticeable results in the mirror and the way your clothes fit. Once you start seeing results, you will often see more frequent changes because your body is now responding to your new healthy lifestyle.

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