Priority: YOU
As schools across the country start wrapping up for the year, moms everywhere are trying to figure out a strategy for staying sane this summer. It’s hard enough to find time for YOU during the routine of the school year, sometimes summer can seem next to impossible. So many of us end up throwing up our hands in defeat and giving ourselves up to our kids and families and anything and anyone else that may “need” our services.
Oh mamas, this is a recipe for disaster! It’s easy for self-care to feel like an indulgent luxury we cannot afford ourselves. But let me set the record straight: making yourself a priority is not an option, it’s a necessity!
You know the saying…”if mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy!” It’s true! We need to form the habit of filling our own buckets so that we have something to give to our partners, spouses, children, friends, etc. You cannot pour out from an empty bucket! Being a mom is hard work. It’s never-ending and most days it feels pretty darn thankless. I find that when I do not take the time to make myself a priority and fill up my own bucket, I start to get resentful, which leads me to feeling bitter. Both of which are feelings I really do not enjoy feeling.
It’s also important for us as mothers (dads and other full time care-givers too) to demonstrate for our children that our needs are important too. We are showing our children how they should take care of themselves when they are parents. And we are teaching them that we are people too and that it’s important for us to take time out to do things we enjoy.
I bet you’re thinking: “Yeah, that sounds great and all but that’s not really practical for my life right now.” I get that. Been there, done that. I was a mother of 3 under 3, 4 children total and I was petrified of how I was going to find the time to do something for me. Getting out of the house, period, is an incredible challenge with twinfants and a toddler…but it’s not impossible. Back in those days of 3 under 3, I knew that I had to find a way to do something that was just for ME or I was going to go insane.
You may not be able to completely escape by yourself for 30 minutes to an hour but if you can, you must. If you can’t, pack up the kids and stroller them, go to a grocery store with a play land and go sit at the cafe for an hour and read a book. That was one of my favorite things to do - free childcare, coffee and a minute just for me.
Make your health a priority. You must carve out time to get some exercise (something is better than nothing), make sure you are feeding yourself good foods and enough foods, don’t give up your hobbies and friendships that are important to you. It’s definitely not always easy to make these things happen but I can tell you from experience: it’s worth it to put in the effort to make yourself a priority.
And I guarantee: your family and friends will be so grateful you did.
You DO deserve it!