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Baby Stepping

It's the start of a new week, which for me, means that it's time to set another small goal in my healthy habits for 2018.

Last week my goal was to get my nutrition back on track by meal prepping and planning and mostly EATING more often. I did not expect perfection of myself. I didn't have any intention to go from eating 2 meals a day to eating 6 or 7. My goal was pretty simple and rather small...because that's what I knew I was capable of having success with. I made several meals and pre-packaged them. My eating was much better. More protein. More vegetables. Less crappy carbs. That was my goal. No precise measuring or anything like that. KISS - keep it simple sweetie (sounds better than calling myself stupid.)

So that's my strategy for this year. As I embark on getting back to my healthy habits, I am taking it baby step by baby step. I am one of those extreme types - I can easily throw myself into something passionately and well, obsessively. Part of my baby stepping is to keep myself in check and in balance. I highly recommend it. I am much happier, less stressed and feeling successful and balanced.

This week my goal is pretty much more of the same. Another baby step with the food. I'm ordering my protein powder later today (I'll share more about that later) and am going to work on eating MORE protein. My hunger is starting to come back so that's definitely a sign of success.

Your assignment this week: take another baby step. Set a small goal for THIS week that you can build on next week. Set a goal you know you can achieve fairly easily - but a bit of a stretch. Don't worry, as we get more proficient at this, we will take on bigger goals as the year gets in full swing.

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